梅耶(Edgar Meyer)

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中華藝術網 日期:2013/02/14   編輯部

梅耶Edgar Meyer - BACH & friends - Michael Lawrence Films 



The genre-bending cellist 馬友友Yo-Yo Ma heads a dream team of string players -- 梅耶Edgar Meyer, Chris Thile, Stuart Duncan -- who borrow from bluegrass. The quartet, plus singer Aoife O'Donovan perform three songs from their album The Goat Rodeo Sessions at the NPR Music offices.

 大提琴家馬友友的《迷情時刻》,獲得第55屆葛萊美獎2項大獎。馬友友、低音大提家梅耶(Edgar Meyer)、小提琴家鄧肯(Stuart Duncan)、曼陀林演奏家泰爾(Chris Thile)。

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