Lovely Daze

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Lovely Daze is a curatorial journal published biannually in limited editions. The publication aspires to provide a platform for artists to present, first hand, their writings and artworks and to explore conversely how theories substantiate practice, and thoughts corporealize through writing and making art. In addition to the journal, Lovely Daze has produced packed events featuring artist's talks and performances.

The selection of works is based on concepts, techniques, and aesthetics in relations to the topics of each issue, and admittedly, it is also based on my personal admiration...

contact ~ charwei tsai publisher/editor/designer

editors ~ kelly carmena, lesley ma, sabrina shaffer

馬唯中辦雜誌 Lovely Daze小有名氣



華爾街日報以馬英九總統女兒馬唯中為例,提到她獨立工作,還與友人合辦雜誌,堪為典範。馬唯中在二○○五年與中華奧會主席蔡辰威女兒蔡佳葳合辦藝術雜誌「Lovely Daze」,該雜誌匯集藝術家作品與文章,在紐約藝術圈頗有名氣。

這本「Lovely Daze」,是馬唯中與同為蔡國強工作室助理的蔡佳葳合辦的雜誌,蔡佳葳本身就是藝術家,去年曾回台辦創作展。

在「Lovely Daze」網站首頁簡介中,蔡佳葳掛名發行人,編輯之一的Lesley Ma,就是馬唯中。這本雜誌每半年出一期,至今推出七期,在十多個國家都有販售,台灣由「學學文創」經銷,每本售價新台幣五百到二千一百元不等。

【2012/03/25 聯合報】


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