中華藝術網 日期:2013/09/21 編輯部 報導
諾貝爾文學獎10月將於瑞典宣布,立博博彩公司(Ladbrokes)今天的投注結果顯示,美國作家歐茨(Joyce CarolOates) 1賠6名列第2.

喬伊斯·卡羅爾·歐茨 Joyce Carol Oates,美國作家。她成長於紐約郊區的工人階級家庭,1963發表首部作品,自此之後發表了5部長篇小說。她的小說《他們》獲得布克獎,Black Water (1992), What I Lived For (1994), 和 Blonde (2000) 被提名普利茲獎。歐茨以多產而聞名,被認為是1960年代以來最重要的美國小說家之一。 奧茨素以揭露美國社會的暴力行徑和罪惡現象而聞名,其作品在整體上構成了一幅當代美國社會的全景圖,不僅生動地反映了美國社會各個階層的現實生活,特別是中下層階級和勞動階層的生活狀態,而且觸及到美國社會生活的多個領域,如學術界、法律界、宗教界、政壇,乃至拳擊、足球等體育運動。從表現形式上看,美國文化傳統對奧茨的影響顯而易見,在繼承馬克·吐溫、德萊塞、斯坦貝克等作家的批判現實主義傳統的同時,她尤其擅長使用心理現實主義手法,注重用多樣化的藝術形式刻畫人物內心世界。儘管她的某些作品嘗試運用了心理分析、內心獨白、意識流、象徵主義、神秘主義等現代主義表現手法,但是評論界普遍認為,奧茨的創作思想根基主要還是現實主義,因此她慣常被稱為「具有巴爾扎克式雄心」的現實主義女作家。近幾年,一個比較引人注目的現象是,奧茨又將她敏銳的現實主義觸角伸向了猶太題材。維基百科
"Joyce Carol Oates is the rarest of commodities, an author modest about her work," wrote Robert Phillips in The Paris Review in 1978. Though she has since won the National Humanities Medal, been nominated for a Pulitzer, and written dozens more books and short stories (including one published in the magazine this week: http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/feat...), she remains unusually self-effacing. When we visited her earlier this month, at her home in New Jersey, she told us, "I haven't the faintest idea what my royalties are. I haven't the faintest idea how many copies of books sold, or how many books that I've written. I could look these things up; I have no interest in them. I don't know how much money I have. There are a lot of things I just don't care about."
She cares deeply about the activity of writing itself. She told us she "can basically write almost all day long, with interruptions." In this video, Oates discusses writing, her daily routine, and her idea of her own personality.