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中華藝術網 日期:2013/03/03   編輯部




東山魁夷Kaii HIGASHIYAMA是當代日本畫的泰斗。自1971年開始為奈良唐招提寺鑒真和尚「御影堂」繪製障壁畫。前後耗費了11年的時間。東山於1975年完成了第一期工程【山雲】、【濤聲】。1980年完成第二期工程【黃山曉雲】、【揚州薰風】、【桂林月霄】等。1981年完成鑒真和尚廚子繪【瑞光】後,大功告成。至此,東山魁夷登上了戰後日本畫的最高峰。


Higashiyama Kaii (東山 魁夷 July 8, 1908 - May 6, 1999) was a Japanese artist. Higashiyama Kaii was born in Yokohama, to parents Kosuke and Higashiyama Kaii. He was given the name Shinkichi, but later changed this to Kaii. He lived from 3 years old to 18 in Kobe.
In 1926 he graduated from Hyogo Prefectural Hyogo High School and entered the Nihon-ga department of Tokyo School of Fine Arts (currently Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music), and graduated with commendation in 1931. In 1940 Higashiyama married Sumi Kawasaki.
In July 1945, Higashiyama was drafted into the army and received anti-tank training. He was demobilized later that year. Higashiyama spent a lot of time travelling, mostly in Japan and China, but also made several trips to Europe. In 1933, he studied German at the Berlin University and in 1962 he travelled around the Nordic countries. In 1947, Higashiyama received the special prize at "Nitten," the largest competition art exhibition in Japan. This led him to pursue seeking his own style, later found as a landscape is his major motif. In 1950, he exhibited a painting "the road," in which his simplicity was well recognized. He traveled northern Europe, Germany, Austria, and China, and drew many works themed the sceneries of these countries.

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