

中華藝術網 日期:2012/12/13   編輯部 報導


‧大師輕鬆讀 2012/11/09

無論你是否同意作者可以把企管碩士課程濃縮成 10 天可以唸完的 10 個篇章。事實是企管碩士班的申請者及學生已經用它來準備入學面試和測驗;商務人士、律師和醫生也用它來練就企管碩士的強項,而且省時又省錢。



當你去除所有昂貴的包裝,企管碩士教育的真實基礎只剩下 9 項你必須認識及擁有實務經驗的學科。如果你花 1 天的時間用心學習每個主題的菁華思惟,並把第 10 天也就是最後 1 天,整理出幾堂值得學習的迷你課程,你便掌握了一流企管碩士班的基本教材,且不用放棄 2 年的薪資和支付 17 萬 5000 美元的學雜費。


When you strip away all of the expensive embellishments, the real basics of an MBA education fall into nine disciplines which you need to have knowledge of and practical experience in. If you were to spend a day immersing yourself in the best thinking in each of these topics and then allocate your tenth and final day to putting together some worthwhile minicourses, you’ll grasp the fundamentals taught in the best MBA programs without losing two years’ wages and incurring $175,000 in tuition fees and expenses.




【Key Thoughts】

“The synthesis of knowledge from all of these disciplines is what makes the MBA valuable. In the case of a new product manager with an MBA, she can not only see her business challenges from a marketing perspective, but she can recognize and deal with the financial and manufacturing demands created by her new product. This coordinated, multidisciplinary approach is usually missing in undergraduate business curricula. By learning about all the MBA disciplines at once you have the opportunity to synthesize MBA knowledge the way you would at the best schools. My goal is to make you familiar with the significant MBA tools and theories currently being taught at the leading business schools and to help you understand and develop the MBA mind-set.”

– Steven Silbiger

本期介紹的《企管碩士十天班》(The Ten-Day MBA)作者史蒂芬.西爾比格(Steven Silbiger)是普利茅斯目錄公司(Plymouth Direct)資深行銷處長。歷任國家媒體公司新產品處長、營養/系統公司競爭力資深分析師,及安達信公司(Arthur Andersen)資深稽核師。畢業於維吉尼亞大學商學院和堪薩斯大學。著有《提前退休?》、《做出明智選擇》以及《猶太人現象》。本書首次出版於 1993 年,迄今歷經 3 度增修改版,內容與時俱進,銷售已逾 40 萬冊,除了被企管碩士班新生當作入學前的先修教材,也常被企業人士當作準備面試和職場中得以與企管碩士溝通無礙的必讀書籍。



‧ 【完整內容請見《大師輕鬆讀》No.464】

