

大師輕鬆讀 2012/09/28

☆ Wealthforge Inc. 共同創辦人暨營運長 Mathew Dellorso 等名人推薦










Crowdfunding is a new and more collaborative way to secure funding for projects. It can be used in a variety of ways:

■To solicit donations for a worthy cause anywhere in the world.

■To generate funding for a project with the contributors then becoming partners in the project or adventure being undertaken.

■To pre-sell copies of a book or CD in order to fund the cost of production and distribution.

■To finance a startup or even an established company in return for an equity stake in the company’s future cash flows.




Crowdfunding can be viewed as the democratization of business financing. Instead of restricting capital sourcing and allocation to a relatively small and entrenched minority, crowdfunding empowers everyone connected to the Internet to tap into both the collective wisdom and the pocketbooks of everyone else who connects to the Internet.






The Road Here/The Road Ahead









【Key Thoughts】

“Being involved early in successful projects will be extremely important to many crowdfunding ecosystem players, especially the professional ones. Poaching off more agile financiers by following them in a funding round used to be a viable strategy; now, it’s not enough, or at least a poacher’s financial performance will not be as good. Spotting trends real-time is extremely helpful – knowing them ahead of time even more so. A crowdfunding platform is a rich ecosystem for trend analytics, not just for the projects being funded, but as a leading indicator of where major changes are headed.”

– Kevin Lawton and Dan Marom


本期介紹的《群眾集資革命》(The Crowdfunding Revolution)2 位作者凱文.羅頓(Kevin Lawton)與丹.馬龍(Dan Marom)。羅頓是新創企業家、趨勢製造者暨部落客。曾參與早期個人電腦虛擬化產業,是微處理器製造商,擁有 2 個開放原始碼計畫。馬龍則是一名科技專家暨企業顧問,目前致力學術研究與教學。曾經擔任教育管理領域新創公司執行長暨共同創辦人。
