

旅行前,你會決定目的地並規畫最佳路線。你的目的地愈明確刺激,你的旅程就愈有機會完美愉快。不幸的是,大部分企業並沒有鼓舞人心的目的地,也就不能為員工帶來歡樂和活力。 ☆《高效信任力》作者小史蒂芬.柯維等名人推薦




It’s easy to become extremely busy and yet ultimately unproductive because all you do is spin your wheels but get nowhere. To avoid that, you need to plan how to move things forward – or more accurately, you need a simple and fast planning process that works.


大部分規畫程序太過複雜,無法在真實世界廣泛運用。比較好的方式是撥出 1 小時時間,研擬你的企業成長計畫和你想採行的策略。在 1 張白紙上,你只要回答盡一切努力追求成長時會遇到的 3 個重要問題:



Most planning processes are too complicated to be of much use in the real world. A better approach is to set aside one hour for developing your business growth plan and the strategy you want to use. On a single sheet of paper, you want to answer the only three questions that count when it comes to planning growth in any endeavor:



只要你學會使用 1 小時進行計畫,完成 1 頁成長計書畫,你就具備了帶領企業一次又一次更上層樓的所有本事。


Once you learn how to run a 1-hour planning session and produce a 1-page plan for growth, you’re then equipped with everything you need to take your business to the next level again and again.




── 喬伊.卡爾霍恩


【Key Thoughts】

“An effective growth planning system is the best indicator of whether your business will grow. It’s time to develop your plan and learn a system that will serve you for the rest of your life. No matter where your business is today, you can grow it through this system. You’ll also develop your own leadership skills, not through classroom training, but through the process of setting, achieving and celebrating progress on your priorities.”

–Joe Calhoon


本期介紹的《1小時成長計畫》(The One Hour Plan For Growth)作者喬伊.卡爾霍恩(Joe Calhoon)是領先優勢顧問公司(Priority Advantage)總裁。1990 年代任職於領導力培訓機構富蘭克林柯維公司(Franklin Covey,後來改名Covey Leadership Center),是該公司最受歡迎且評價最高的招牌講師之一。曾經提供超過 500 家組織諮詢服務,遍及中小企業和《財富》雜誌百大企業,包括 Host Hotels & Resorts、Helmerich & Payne 和 Burns McDonnell 等。畢業於科羅拉多大學丹佛分校,以及內布拉斯加大學奧瑪哈分校。



精要策略推動企業成長──與成功有約的 3 大關鍵





