跨世紀 全球獨一 國家寶藏幣NATS白皮書要點及共融的商業模式| NATS Coin White Paper Key Points and Inclusive Business Model



跨世紀 全球獨一 國家寶藏幣NATS白皮書要點及共融的商業模式 The only one in the world across the century National Treasure Coin NATS White Paper Key Points and Inclusive Business Model

促進聯合國SDGs最佳永續發展目標價值之國家寶藏幣( NATS)是加密的數位貨幣.在以太坊去中心化ERC20網路平台,可創造最大市場價值.對擁有者最大保障價值. (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


1. 建立以人道主義為基礎的全球社會

2. 推廣人道主義價值觀

3. 透過區塊鏈技術實現全球人道事務的透明化和可信任性

4. 支援全球人道相關業務,包括但不限於緊急救援、糧食援助、醫療援助等

5. 以聯合國可持續發展目標(SDGs)為方向,為實現可持續的全球發展做出貢獻






According to the information on the official website of National Treasure Coin NATS, the white paper written by the coin contains the following points:

1. Building a Humanitarian-Based Global Society

2. Promotion of humanitarian values

3. Realize the transparency and trustworthiness of global humanitarian affairs through blockchain technology

4. Support global humanitarian-related businesses, including but not limited to emergency relief, food aid, medical aid, etc.

5. Contribute to the realization of sustainable global development in the direction of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

NATS' humanitarian-related business is mainly implemented through blockchain technology to establish a decentralized information sharing platform to achieve transparent and open information recording and circulation. In addition, NATS also supports smart contract technology, which can realize automated transactions and conditional execution.

NATS's humanitarian-related business has a close relationship with the UN SDGs projects. The currency aims to promote sustainable global development and support UN SDGs projects such as food security, good health, education, and sustainable cities. The support of NATS can help promote the realization of SDGs projects and contribute to the sustainable development of the world.



1. 支付模式:國家寶藏幣可作為一種新的支付方式,幫助商家和消費者實現快速、方便的交易。

2. 等值交換模式:國家寶藏幣可以作為一種等值交換工具,幫助商家和消費者之間實現價值的平等交換。

3. 擔保模式:商家可以使用國家寶藏幣作為一種擔保工具,確保交易的安全性和可信度。

4. 促銷贈送模式:商家可以利用國家寶藏幣來進行促銷和贈送,吸引消費者的關注和參與。


1. 資產管理:國家寶藏幣可以幫助商家和消費者管理其資產,實現資產的安全和有效管理。

2. 數字身份識別:國家寶藏幣可以作為一種數字身份識別工具,幫助商家和消費者建立更安全、可信的身份認證。

3. 數據分析:國家寶藏幣可以收集分析商家和消費者的數據,幫助商家更好地了解消費者需求,提高市場競爭力。


The inclusive business model of National Treasure Coin NATS:

1. Payment mode: National Treasure Coin can be used as a new payment method to help merchants and consumers achieve fast and convenient transactions.

2. Equivalent exchange mode: National Treasure Coin can be used as an equivalent exchange tool to help merchants and consumers achieve equal exchange of value.

3. Guarantee mode: Merchants can use National Treasure Coin as a guarantee tool to ensure the security and credibility of transactions.

4. Promotion and gift mode: Merchants can use national treasure coins to carry out promotions and gifts to attract consumers' attention and participation.

In addition, national treasure coins can also have the following functions:

1. Asset management: National Treasure Coin can help merchants and consumers manage their assets and achieve safe and effective management of assets.

2. Digital identification: National Treasure Coin can be used as a digital identification tool to help merchants and consumers establish a more secure and credible identity authentication.

3. Data analysis: National Treasure Coin can collect and analyze the data of merchants and consumers to help merchants better understand consumer needs and improve market competitiveness.

國家寶藏幣NATS的重要價值體現在以下幾個方面 -AI GPT 回答 (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)