

中華藝術網 日期:2024/03/14   編輯部 



獨家國家心靈藝術瑰寶揭密》全球獨一Top1國家寶藏幣NATS ...

NATS, the National Spiritual Art Treasure of New China represented by the 100 million and 1.4 billion Chinese people in the world, is a major spiritual art project passed down from generation to generation by the nation in the 20th and 21st century. In 1997, it commemorated the 2000th anniversary of the introduction of Buddhism into China. God of Wisdom - Master Tsongkhapa teaches the 641st Christmas Day, which is also the fifteenth year of the reform and opening up of New China. At the time when the country is peaceful and the people are in peace, the national central-level Chinese Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Spiritual Art Project was approved by Premier Zhu Rongji of the State Council of China. Co-sponsored by the State Council Administration of China and the 600-Year-Old Qinghai Kumbum Monastery. March 12, 2023
