國家心靈藝術寶藏(NATS)NFT 價值內涵與家族傳承定位
中華藝術網 日期:2022/03/27 編輯部 報導
大智文殊菩薩化身 宗喀巴大師「慈愛‧智慧‧圓滿‧和平」正傳承
國家心靈藝術寶藏(NATS)NFT 價值內涵與家族傳承定位

國家心靈藝術寶藏(NATS)NFT 申請
國家心靈藝術寶藏(NATS)NFT 之2.0乙太坊Token代號為NATSNFT
1.「唐文成公主.宋.元.明.清.民國.新中 國千年以上之藏漢蒙滿文化融合一脈相承」
5.「 跨世紀國家心靈文藝復興首創作」
6.「 600年塔爾寺宗喀巴大師慈愛智慧圓滿正傳承」
7.「2005年 全球5大國立故宮博物院藝術典藏」
8.「 全球人文及科技第一之2010年上海世博會藝術典藏」
9.「 佛光山佛陀紀念館地宮珍寶」
11.「 文殊智慧第一化身轉世之生命科學本質」
12.「 塔爾寺全球與華人慈愛智慧信仰中心」
13.「全球唯一至太空地外空 間33天慈愛智慧圖騰」
**聯合國總部緣起GCWPA/中華藝術網 Frank **2022.03.02

The 2.0 Ethereum Token of the National Spiritual Art Treasure (NATS) NFT is codenamed NATSNFT
National Mind Art Treasure (NATS) NFT content:
1. "Princess Tang Wencheng. Song. Yuan. Ming. Qing.
2. "The Central Government of the One Country (1997)"
3. "Love, Wisdom, Perfection, Peace" of the hearts of the nation representing 1.5 billion people across the century
4. "The Art Treasure of Creating Wealth, Wisdom and Wealth"
5. "The first creation of the cross-century national spiritual renaissance"
6. "The 600-year-old Taer Monastery Master Tsongkhapa's loving wisdom has been successfully passed down"
7. "2005 Top 5 National Palace Museum Art Collections in the World"
8. "The 2010 Shanghai World Expo Art Collection, No. 1 in Humanities and Technology in the World"
9. "The Treasures of the Underground Palace of Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Hall"
10. "The Origin of the Global Oriental Philosophy of Loving Wisdom of Life"
11. "The essence of life science of the reincarnation of the first incarnation of Manjusri"
12. "Ta'er Monastery Global and Chinese Compassionate Wisdom and Belief Center"
13. "The world's only 33-day loving wisdom totem to extraterrestrial space"
14. High-end spiritual art connotation and heritage value positioning such as "Global United Nations Spirit of Kindness, Wisdom, Peace, Compassion, Love, Wisdom, Consummation, and Family Heritage of Peace".
**The origin of the United Nations Headquarters GCWPA/China Art Network Frank **2022.03.02
